Western Blotting Resources

Here are some guides, templates, software and drivers that you might find useful in your western blotting ventures.

General procedures of performing a western blot
Quantitation guide
Instructions for quantitating your blots with ImageJ
Organising and processing quantitated data
Instructions for processing and tidying up quantitated data on a spreadsheet before performing statistical analyses
BCA calculation template
Template for calculating original protein concentrations in each sample, and normalisation of protein concentrations across all your samples
Buffer recipes
Simplified, one-page bench instructions for making up western blot buffers
Refrigerator temperature log
Template for tracking refrigerator temps so that your primary antibodies don't go bad

Software and drivers

I keep these drivers up on my site as a means to preserve them, seeing as they are only available on CDs that come with the original machine. In the event that those CDs are destroyed or degraded (due to cosmic rays or whatnot), at least I have them backed up here. So sue me.

Fujifilm LAS-3000 (Version 2.2)
Drivers for the imaging system that we use in our labs
MultiGauge (Version 3.0)
Software for post-processing of raw images obtained from the imaging system
Serial number: 381470