As the website name suggests, my name is Michael Yew.
I sharpen knives for fun on the weekends, in exchange for either money or certain "services". Note that I'm just a hobbyist, and not an actual professional. If you're interested in getting your knives sharpened by me, visit this link for more info.
When I'm not sharpening knives, I'm either just dead asleep; watching South Park; or playing Maplestory. Occasionally, I play the guitar as well; mainly stuff by Pearl Jam (absolute favourite band of mine!), Coldplay, or Smashing Pumpkins.
Screenshot from 2013 of me and my friends "slacking" in Maplestory, a video game so enduring, so imperishable, that there exists numerous private servers hosting archaic iterations of the game for the sole purpose of enabling geriatric players like myself to revisit it. For millions who've spent an unfathomable amount of time on the game as children, hearing just a second of the soundtrack triggers neural pathways so profound, that nostalgia is replaced with agony. What I wouldn't give to experience it all over again as a twelve-year-old kid.